This sections lists the biggest changes done on each release.
Release 1.5¶
- add official support to Django 1.11 and Python 3.6
- fixes #116 Fixing ManyToMany merging with intermediary models. (thanks int-ua)
- fixes #95 Cannot merge models with subclassed ImageField or FileField: “file not sent”. (thanks int-ua)
- fixes #108 merge doesn’t account for many-to-many relationships
- fixes #93 Do not export dates as strings in Excel
Release 1.4¶
- document #112 Undocumented feature: merge_form
- document #108 merge doesn’t account for many-to-many relationships
- document #95 Cannot merge models with subclassed ImageField: “file not sent” error
- document #85 merge doesn’t work for models related with on_delete=Protect
Release 1.3 ===========fir * fixes #92 translations are not compiled in package * fixes #105 Support exporting many to many fields * fixes #109 AttributeError: module ‘adminactions.compat’ has no attribute ‘nocommit’
Release 1.2¶
- merge #98 - Django 1.10 support (thanks PetrDlouhy, florianm)
Release 1.1¶
- merge #91 - add french translation
- merge #88 - Display required columns in byrows_update formset
- merge #87 - Add AdminSite.each_context() to templates context.
- merge #86 - Compilemessages failed for Spanish translation
- merge #83 - byrows_update action: adapt test_permissions to take into byrows update action.
- merge #79 - Permissions don’t work
Release 1.0¶
- minor refactoring
- official support for django 1.4 to 1.9
- official support for python 2.7, 3.3, 3.5
- merge #77 - add initial form values for CSV export
- merge #76 - reuse xls style while iterating over cells
- merge #75 - allow streaming export to CSV response
- merge #73 - Fixing merge on DateTimeField with null=True
- support streaming CSV file response
- new upper and lower modifiers available for EmailField in mass update.
Release 0.8.5¶
- repackage due broken version in 0.8.4
Release 0.8.3¶
- bugfix: support both post_syncdb and post_migrate
Release 0.8.2¶
- fixes #64: Export not working when actions enabled on top & bottom
- document #62: default of csv is not csv (thanks @oppianmatt)
Release 0.8.1¶
- Use collections.OrderedDict instead for Django1.7 or higher. (thanks @rvoicilas)
Release 0.8¶
- python 3.3, 3.4 compatibility
- add spanish translation (thanks @xangmuve)
Release 0.5¶
- fix mass_update bug that caused all records in a table to be updated (thanks @jht001)
- Added timezone support to csv and xls export
Release 0.3¶
- fixed #26
- add feature to use callable as columns
- add feature to export dictionaries
- new action Export as Excel
- added custom headers to Export as CSV
- new permission adminactions_massupdate
- new permission adminactions_merge
Release 0.2¶
- improved Export as CSV
- Django 1.6 compatibility
- Added modeladmin in providing_args of signals: adminaction_requested, adminaction_start, adminaction_end
Release 0.1¶
- new api module
- pull out core export_csv functionalites as _export_as_csv() to be used by custom code
- New exported filename callback for easy customize the filename ( see Filename callbacks)
- New registration shortcut add_to_site()
- New action: Merge Records
- Fixed #9
- Added Permissions
- New signals: adminaction_requested, adminaction_start, adminaction_end
Release 0.0.4¶
- NEW added
parameter to Export as Fixture and Export Delete Tree - NEW Export Delete Tree
- renamed export_as_json as export_as_fixtures
- added foreign_keys dumps
- multiple serializer
- NEW: Transform Operation
- NEW: url to preview date format in export_as_csv
Release 0.0.3¶
- added demo project
Release 0.0.2¶
- name changed from django-actions to django-adminactions
Release 0.0.1¶
- first relase